Swansea Degree Show

My aim this summer is to casually keep my blog going – it has helped me gather my thoughts throughout my degree, therefore thought it’d be a good idea to to so.

My first visit to Swansea was to visit the degree show, as a friend I met through Diffusion was exhibiting her final work. I really enjoyed the show, titled “I Dreamed My Genesis” after a Dylan Thomas poem, who is a world-famous war poet from Wales. The influence of culture, the world, and identity was strong.

Photography is an area of art I had not looked into much until this year, and seeing an entire degree show based on it was fabulous to see. It was also great to see and compare the Swansea Fine Art show, as I also had time to see that.

My favourite pieces were by Naomi Broom and Dylan Thomas (another Dylan Thomas). Naomi’s work explored the harm we were doing to our world, and collected most of her plastic to explore this with Cyanotypes. This was because of the deadly chemicals used through this process, correlating our mindless use of plastic.

Dylan’s work explores homophobia in England and Wales, and how it still exists years after the decriminalisation of the “offence”. His aim was to capture people from the LGBTQ+ community through photographic portraits and celebrate the individuality, especially aimed at South Wales.

Author: saratrouble

An Art student from North Wales, studying at CSAD. My art work is mostly political, looking into feminism and sex positive work.

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