Degree Show Build – Day 7

Tensions were high as the degree show build is soon coming to an end, but I felt like I concluded a successful day. I did, however, encounter a few problems, but resolved them with the help of Neil Pedder and quick thinking. I was able to take a few pictures in the morning of the projections, which was motivation to get as much done as possible today to see everything in action tomorrow.

I made my space safe from people tripping over cables by putting rubber strips down that covered the entire cables. This has sufficiently now made it a risk-free zone and has also made its overall presentation look much more professional.

My projectors were overheating and were switching off because of this. Therefore, I drilled through six extra holes around the fans, enabling air to get into those areas more freely. I still need to test if this will sufficiently work tomorrow, the last build day. This took several attempts, as I though at the beginning perhaps two extra holes would be enough. I had time to test this out, and found that it was not the case. Therefore, I drilled in some more, sanded and painted them, and set everything up ready to be tested tomorrow morning.

I gave everything a tidy-up before I left to save me having to do a lot tomorrow before the deadline.


Author: saratrouble

An Art student from North Wales, studying at CSAD. My art work is mostly political, looking into feminism and sex positive work.

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