Hermine Freed – 360º 1972

This piece is an example of early feminist video art. The frame is filled with two concentric magnifying lenses, one larger than the other. Behind them is a mirror. The mirror turns and reflects the landscape around it. Distortions of the moving images appear in the lenses while the space behind remains stationary. A voiceover reports what is being seen in each of the layers of space. There are at least three simultaneous soundtracks. One scene is a country house and garden, another is a city apartment.


I found this piece interesting because of the use of mirrors and distortion it caused through the lens and this link to my work. This sort of work began in the 1960s when she started to use video in order to document other painters and in 1972 began to experiment with the medium to question gender conventions and women’s self-perception.

Author: saratrouble

An Art student from North Wales, studying at CSAD. My art work is mostly political, looking into feminism and sex positive work.

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