Final Decisions

Today has been all about sorting my films for each projector and finalising curation aspects of my piece, such as choosing which boards I’ll be using. The six I had to choose from were a variation of different fruits – some resembles grotesque versions of the body more, and some looked more life-like, and one was a plain board I was considering using for flashbacks.

All options to put on the wall

My final thoughts were that I even wante dthe flashbacks to morph as they are projected onto these boards, and felt that the more 3D/relief fruits did this the best. The different positioning of the objects will be interesting to watch when I do a trial run later today using the projectors.

Final 4

I find it much easier to know what’s going on with my work by writing everything down in simple diagrams. I did this by drawing quick sketches of the boards I have chosen with names of the films I plan on showing onto them below the diagram. I then made a time-frame of what would happen in all of the films, taking into consideration of what was happening on all projectors at the same time. I planned this out so that no two film with me speaking would clash, and the only sounds that did were sound effects, which would only emphasise the grotesque sounds. There are also periods of flashbacks, images, and colour blocks to help with this. They all last 10 minutes, which also helped me in keeping track with each USB and what was shown on them.

I then decided to label each USB and will also label each media player to help me figure things out much quickly when I’m setting up. Each 10 minute film is now on the USBs ready to try out on the projectors this afternoon.

When I went in to university, I found that only one film would play due to the media players not working. The one that was working was also turning off at random moments, which is worrying, but I think it’s because of the cable being loose therefore it shouldn’t be too hard to fix. However, I did manage to get a few images of one projector on one of my pieces;


Author: saratrouble

An Art student from North Wales, studying at CSAD. My art work is mostly political, looking into feminism and sex positive work.

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