Diffusion – Day 12

Today was a really exciting day at shit, as i helped with finishing touches and the curation of both Notting hill Sound Systems by Brian David Stevens and Alina Kisina’s Sound of Vision, curated by Sebah Chaudhry. I worked closely as an assistant for Sebah, who was particular and thoughtful of Kisina’s work, which was really great to have watched. I learned a lot about how to hang framed photos and polystyrene images onto walls – Kisina’s was jung with heavy duty velcro, and Steven’s was by nails. I was asked for advice on the positioning of images, as well as which walls should have which images, which I found pleasure to have done as an assistant. This took a lot of time and consideration, but we managed to complete it by the end of the day. These were the first works to go up onto the walls, making it really exciting to watch, as our hard work and preparation of the spaces were finally being used.

Equipment we used, such as the laser leveler, was a great thing to have learned about, as I had no idea it existed prior to setting these pieces up. I’ll be looking into using these for my exhibition hanging.

Author: saratrouble

An Art student from North Wales, studying at CSAD. My art work is mostly political, looking into feminism and sex positive work.

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