G39 Invigilating

Invigilating today was really great, as I got to speak about our upcoming exhibition here, and also got a lot of the visitors to take posters home with them, and some will be distributing them to their friends.

I also got to take part in their “Frunch”, which is lunch that is meant to take part on a Friday, but today was such a lovely, sunny day, they decided to hold it today. The new intern was also introduced to her role today, so I got to meet her and was present for the meeting that introduced her to G39 and everyone’s roles, and what her role will entail.

Thomas Goddard was also here all day, and I spoke and had a good catch-up with him and what we were currently up to. I spoke to him about Diffusion festival, and he’ll be coming to the events that I’m involved in.

Today was also a chance for me to speak to Chris and Anthony about borrowing equipment, as I’m on the hunt for media players, and was wondering if they had any with VGA ports for the old projectors I’ll be using.

Author: saratrouble

An Art student from North Wales, studying at CSAD. My art work is mostly political, looking into feminism and sex positive work.

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