Diffusion – Day 11

Today was a great day, and took Shift to an almost finished point in building and painting. We finished the boards and fences we were painting for other venues, and  helped with the move of this huge piece for X-Ray Vision, which will have a huge projection of a record made out of X-ray film. We also finished clearing the space, and organised everything that needed to be moved to Senedd and WMC on Sunday for when the movers come. I also organised with Ayu and Cat everything I’ll need to take to the Diffusion stall on Monday, where I’ll be in the CSAD Heart Space answering questions and getting students involved with the festival. I was able to get my hands on maps, the catalogue, and printed Jupiter posters ready for the event.


Author: saratrouble

An Art student from North Wales, studying at CSAD. My art work is mostly political, looking into feminism and sex positive work.

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