Fruit Bowl

I wanted to finish a piece from a recent performance piece better, as I realise when I film them, the 3D objects can almost just look messy, which is definitely good for my context, but I wanted to try making it a little more carefully and document through pictures and see where that took me. I started looking at aesthetic fruit bowl that only contained cherries and peaches, examples are below;

I wanted to re-create these, and I actually followed a baking tutorial where an attractive lady tells us how to create objects using marzipan. I mention she’s attractive because the camera kept focusing on her instead of the marzipan objects, which a number of people got frustrated at in the comments. I found this interesting, as it was obvious it was happening as you followed the tutorial, but it wouldn’t be as obvious if you were watching out of interest at all, defeating the function of what the video is meant to be for.

Therefore, I decided to make a grotesque version of this tutorial of a fruit bowl, using marzipan and paint. I mashed them up, to tint the marzipan entirely of the colour, then shaped them into the fruits, adding worm-like stalk, suggesting a rotten feel to the fruit.

They turned out looking bloodied and almost sunken, which I really liked. The fruit actually looked like fake fruit you find in museums and bakeries, which ended up looking really great for the purpose of the piece. But the unnaturalness, and the “blood” around the fruit, as well as the bloodied hand prints add to the unattainable feeling of it. I can’t wait to start experimenting with projections on this piece.

Author: saratrouble

An Art student from North Wales, studying at CSAD. My art work is mostly political, looking into feminism and sex positive work.

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