Setting up the WAA Exhibition – Celebrating International Women’s Day

I spent two days at Llanover Hall with the Women’s Art Association, helping them set up the International Women’s Day exhibition that will take place on the 12th of March.

It was a really busy two days, and Megan Fraser, Sacha Reid, and I worked endlessly to get everything perfect by measurement, as they were really keen to make everything precise to deliver a very professional looking exhibition.

Patricia was there with the WAA to let us know details about the curating, but we did the most part of the set up ourselves, which I was really happy to have done, as it will be great practice for setting up our Women’s Empowerment and end of year degree exhibition.

We were really happy with the results, and learned a lot about framing and positioning pieces onto walls. It looked great and well spaced, and really looked vibrant against the white walls of the space. I’m really looking forward to the opening night in a few weeks, and will hopefully sell my piece!

Author: saratrouble

An Art student from North Wales, studying at CSAD. My art work is mostly political, looking into feminism and sex positive work.

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