Diffusion Festival Internship Induction

I was invited to an induction for interns and volunteers on the 26th of February, at Rabble Studio, Cardiff Bay. We spent the morning meeting each other, and getting talks by David Drake, the director of FFotogallery and Diffusion, and a talk by Thomas Williams, who went through everything we needed to know and think about for invigilating and talking with people who visit exhibitions.


I jolted everything I found useful down that I heard throughout, including where I’ll be primarily based, which will be Shift, Cardiff, which is in the city centre. We were also divided into groups to speak about the events that will be taking place, and health and safety, which was all very useful.

I was also given a badge for my title, which really made my role in the festival sink in, and really started to get me excited to start! I was also posted with everyone who attended on their official instagram page, shown below;

Author: saratrouble

An Art student from North Wales, studying at CSAD. My art work is mostly political, looking into feminism and sex positive work.

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