The Woman’s Film

maxresdefaultUS 1970 Dirs Women’s Caucus, San Francisco Newsreel: including Louise Alaimo, Judy Smith, Ellen Sorin 40 min Digital presentation

A valuable document of the origins of the modern women’s movement in the United States, this film was produced collectively by women. Centring on the consciousness-raising groups synonymous with the early Women’s Movement, the film delves into the lives of ordinary women from different races, educational levels and classes who talk personally about their issues and concerns. The film was produced by Newsreel’s San Francisco chapter. I found it a really interesting piece, and far different to what I’ve previously watched, as there was no narration over the footage; just purely the women who were being interviewed. This has actually made me think about future work post exhibition, where I want to connect and interview lots of different women all over Wales to find out their experiences and views on growing up in Wales as a woman. The way I’ll choose to show these interviews would most likely be similar to this film, as I’d find speaking over what they’re saying to be completely contradictory to what I’d be trying to achieve.

This project will follow the Women’s Empowerment Exhibition I’m currently organising.

Author: saratrouble

An Art student from North Wales, studying at CSAD. My art work is mostly political, looking into feminism and sex positive work.

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