Talk by Gweni Llwyd

Gweni gave us a talk about possible paths we could take after completing our degrees, including the opportunities she’s had over the past yera, which was really helpful to find out about. Learning about what was out there and how much things paid was incredibly useful to know, especially in the sense that I can now be aware of what paid fairly and what would be a rip-off. This then lead to explaining a portfolio career, which basically means jumping around lots of jobs to build a portfolio instead of just doing one job, which could then build my skills up a lot quicker and make me more desirable in the industry, which is very different to other jobs and how I though building a career was like in the creative industry.

The things I’ll be looking into and documenting, thanks to this talk, will be;

£9000 living grant
£600 materials grant
£200 travel grant + studio space

Wales in Venice invigilator plus programme

Croeso i Gaernarfon – Castell i’r Môr

Brian Ross Award- £3000

NOVA Biennial Prize – £500

Eisteddfod – young artist scholarship £1500


Illumine – peak

Author: saratrouble

An Art student from North Wales, studying at CSAD. My art work is mostly political, looking into feminism and sex positive work.

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