Booster week – 19/10

From placing the photographs I found of Medusa next to my drawings of myself, I could really see the similarities, including the angle my face had and my open mouth. I though that it was interesting how I mimicked an open mouth for something pleasurable whereas Medusa had her mouth open to scream, creating a contrast between the two as well.

I didn’t have much time to play around with the idea as much because of my essay deadline, but here is what I came up with;

I first sketched out a quick drawing of my face with snakes as hair and a mouth kissing/sucking a snake’s head. I then made a more detailed version, copying a previous drawing I had made of me eating on camera, but replacing to food/emoji with a snake to see what this created. I think it could definitely be an interesting route to take with my work in the future, but I also don’t think I’ve experimented enough with the sexual foods and camera girl aspect of my work yet. I might bring both in to my work to see if I could perhaps link the snakes with the sexual food emojis, such as the eggplant/aubergine with the snake, as they are both symbolic for the phallus.

Author: saratrouble

An Art student from North Wales, studying at CSAD. My art work is mostly political, looking into feminism and sex positive work.

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