Setting up my account on MyFreeCams – Booster week 17/10

I’ve now set up an account to become a camera girl myself and experience exactly what they do and the ins and outs of the process, including the paying through coins and going live. I based my profile almost entirely around food, especially pizza and biscuits because I feel that using “bad” food might be more attractive for this fetish. I’m really excited but nervous about going live, as I’ll have an audience of strangers who might be getting aroused over something I find entirely normal. However, I might act sexually with my food, depending on what I plan on doing. I almost feel like I’m risking any future career having a profile like this on the internet, even though I’ll be doing everything fully clothed. This has made me think about why I feel like this, whether it’s because there is a lot of shame and stigma surrounding this type of work, and why is that?

This is my “model” application being sent to actually be able to go live and even collect money;


I had help editing a video to put onto my profile ready for when I’m able to go live, as well as a few images I’ve already edited. Here’s the link below;

I had it edited into a pink tint, zooming into the “sexual” eating bits, and also had some of the clips slowed down for a more sensual effect for the fetish aspect. I think it worked pretty well, considering how sexual but humorous it turned out, which is what I’m looking for while I’m experimenting with this subject.

Author: saratrouble

An Art student from North Wales, studying at CSAD. My art work is mostly political, looking into feminism and sex positive work.

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