Painting myself as a Camera Girl

Beginning my research;

I began by looking at different images from Live Camera Girl sites, but not specifically eating fetishes.

I decided to photoshop myself into them eating my breakfast sexually, and they actually turned out rather humorously, but I think that’s alright for this first part of the experimentation. I want to begin generating ideas for what I want to do with these ideas by painting them, and see where that leads me. I might also look at making a short film of me on one of these sights, or leading the audience to believe I am, just eating something, maybe grossly. I’d like to look further into how Camera Girls eating could lead to an unhealthy obsession with food, like binge eating. However, I’ve always been interested in safety of women in the sex industry, therefore the reaction to these images will be great to see.

For a more sexual effect with these images, I used strawberry and running chocolate that have sexual connotations to them, especially making the chocolate drip onto my chin which could signify semen.

Here’s another play, eating a banana for a phallic effect;

I chose this image to paint because I found that I could play around with the comment section, and perhaps change them to fit me eating something sexually to go with the fetish.


I began by painting an MDF board a dark purple and then slowly building up the face to match the picture of me. As an end result, I’d really like to emphasise the dripping chocolate and tongue touching it, as I believe this is the most sexual part of it. The comments will be related to the eating, but I’m not sure if I want them to be just about the food, or to be sexually driven.

I started painting my face straight away, layering and layering the paint, especially on the food and mouth to create some texture, hopefully making them the main focus of the painting. I also spent a while creating columns in different shades of purple. I’ve now decided, after figuring out I’m not the best painter, that writing comments in acrylic paints would be almost impossible for me to do. Therefore, I’ve had the idea to put in fruits that carry sexual connotations as “comments”. It still needs a lot of work, but I’m pleased with how it’s going, and I’ve already got wood to frame it with to (hopefully) make it look more finished.

I’ve now tidied up my painting and began finishing off the stripes for the comments section.

I’ve just started putting in the emojis as comments, which I think are working well by adding to sexual connotations of the piece;

I think I’ve now finished painting it and I’m fairly happy with how it’s turned out. It took me a lot longer to paint than what I thought it would because I found it pretty hard to blend then acrylic paints, which is something I do need to work on. I do, however, think it serves its purpose as a piece that represents where my ideas are at, which is this fetish of sexual foods and what it means to film yourself eating, being large or thin, a woman or a man, and if you make money from it or not. All I have left to do is to frame it and see how it looks completely finished.

I’ve become very interested in this idea of food as being sexual. By using emojis as the comments, it’s opened up a few possible ideas for me. I think it’s fascinating that people, including me, send these emojis, whether it be as a joke or taken seriously, as a way to say something sexually. We then see these foods as something sexual, although some have always carried sexual connotations. They might have even been designed specifically to look sexual, which I also find really interesting. Most relationships are spent online at one point or the other, especially young ones, and this culture of sexting which include these emojis would be fascinating to look into.

Here is the finished piece with the frame stuck and painted, which has certainly made it look finished and more like an art piece that could be exhibited;


Author: saratrouble

An Art student from North Wales, studying at CSAD. My art work is mostly political, looking into feminism and sex positive work.

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