Chosen photograph and why

From all the galleries I visited, I decided to choose this photograph of street art I found in Dublin. It’s simply an almost nude woman in blue, pink and black, with “Love Your Lady, Love Her Choice’ painted in white besides her. Ireland has only recently made abortion legal, which I think is what this piece is made for. This is both powerful and fascinating to look at. The message could also be ambiguous, simultaneously challenging all that women don’t have a choice in concerning their bodies or rights. I chose this over the more obvious art pieces I could have looked into, such as the pieces from Weimar Germany that were sexually violent towards women, because I wanted to focus more on empowerment.

I’ll be using this combined with Jenny Holzer’s advertising and campaigns to start off this year’s work on feminism, perhaps looking into unorthodox ways women empower themselves, such as cam girls.

Author: saratrouble

An Art student from North Wales, studying at CSAD. My art work is mostly political, looking into feminism and sex positive work.

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