Art in Dublin

While in Dublin, I got the chance to visit the exhibitions at Dublin Castle and Dublin’s National Art Gallery, which was also extremely beautiful to walk around.

However, I was slightly disappointed visiting the women artist’s exhibition at the Gallery, as the content wasn’t how it was advertised. There were only posters of the pieces the historical female artists had made and little information about them. I did, however, find the newspaper articles of the artists interesting to read.

These were the pieces I found most interesting and enjoyable to look at;

Emilio Greco – Woman’s Head, 1954


Greco is more known for his beautiful bronze sculptures of women, but this drawing captures something almost eerie to me because of how he’s drawn the eyes in comparison to the curvaceous ink lines, making them perfect circles, which in turn makes the woman look inhuman.

Colin Middleton – Sheephaven


Patrick Swift – Trees at St Columb’s


I really enjoyed looking at these pieces as they remind me of where I live back in Snowdonia. The energy from the wild landscapes were also very inspiring and reminded me of my work from the Gower, something I might return to in the print room.


Author: saratrouble

An Art student from North Wales, studying at CSAD. My art work is mostly political, looking into feminism and sex positive work.

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