Relational Colour – 14/02/18

This was our final day of working, and we spent it finalising and planning our compositions. We made a few compromises, such as not including a few hanging pieces that I made (which are below) because they didn’t fit in well with the slides we’ve created, and decided to use only circles to hang instead, tying in the work extremely well;

We then went on to planning and noting our compositions, working out which ones we liked best and what we’d like to include in our final ten. This took a while because we really liked so many, making this a tough decision, however we were able to discuss it and got a great variety of compositions. These were some of the photos we took to document;

Here are pictures of our sketchbook planning and choosing;

We also took a few videos, which capture the shadows and optical effect our compositions created and we wanted to be able to show this because the photographs couldn’t quite capture how interesting some of them turned out;

However, we narrowed the compositions down to these;

Author: saratrouble

An Art student from North Wales, studying at CSAD. My art work is mostly political, looking into feminism and sex positive work.

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