Relational Colour – 07/02/18

The frames have now been painted blue to match the interior of our box, and I also had time o create new prints, by printing my other pattern onto coloured backgrounds and a few of my previous prints;

The two patterns are totally different to each other but really worked together, as if they were made together originally. We wanted to use some red to be able to contrast with the blue interior and frames, as well as match the outside of the box, which worked really well when we took our box into a dark space and started experimenting with some lights, including coloured ones. This is the link to the video of experimenting with light in natural lighting; ; And this is to the video in a dark room; .

I also took images of the shadows that were created with a few of the slides;

These were really beautiful to look at, but it also distracts away from the colour contrasts and the shapes form the prints, which makes it debatable whether we want to keep them or not, however they were still interesting to play with.








Author: saratrouble

An Art student from North Wales, studying at CSAD. My art work is mostly political, looking into feminism and sex positive work.

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