Relational Colour – 18/01/18

We began our lesson today by creating a sort of pocket for our slips of colour. This took extremely precise measuring and cutting to be able to fit exactly right, and we all were able to make one.


We were then free to be as creative as we wanted and began cutting out shapes from the colour slips we had previously made. This created a sort of interactive art piece by letting anyone change where in the pocket the slips would be placed, always creating a new, exciting piece. Some of us also swapped a few colour slips to create even more contrasting and abstract pieces.


I hope to carry on with these slips, but perhaps put them into boxes an audience would open and interact with. Putting them into boxes might be more intriguing to an audience, making them want to open them, thus want to play around with them more?

Author: saratrouble

An Art student from North Wales, studying at CSAD. My art work is mostly political, looking into feminism and sex positive work.

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