Constellation – Week 4

Monsterous Femininity 

  • Masculine anxiety – lack of control leaves them feeling dis-empowered (“[My greatest sexual fear?]… The vagina dentata. A story where you were making love to a woman and it just slammed shut and cut your penis off” – Stephen King cited in Creed, 1993:105)
  •  Snakes is a symbol of the castrated female genitals
  • Medusa is regarded by historians of myth as a version of vagina dentata – poised and ready to strike
  • She was raped by Poseidon because she was attractive and Athena cursed her out if jealousy – a very wronged woman – punished by another woman for being a victim of a man in a patriarchal order
  • She was so threatening to man, she had to be destroyed, as she threatened the established order
  • She becomes ‘hideous’ because of her hair, but her face is always open to interpretation
  • She was initially frightening because she could seduce a man, thus castrate him

Fetishism and the Phallic Woman

  • The male might desire to create a fetish, to want to continue to believe that woman is like himself, that she has a phallus rather than a vagina
  • Repeated in all patriarchal cultures – James Bond has a threatening woman character who causes him to lose his masculine power, so he seduces her and removes the threat, and she becomes a castrated woman rather than a castrator

Patriarchal anxieties underlying Misogyny 

  • The menstruation taboo – sight of woman’s blood confirmed man’s fear of being eaten and castrated by the female genitals
  • The duplicitous nature of woman, who promises paradise in order to ensnare her victims
  • “man-eater, man-trap”
  • Man has erected a series of taboos against woman, all of which relate to her sexual functions: menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth and most importantly, sexual intercourse

How can I relate this to my practice?

I could look into vagina dentata again, as I did last year, but by also incorporating fetishism. I recently waled around with last year’s final piece to see what reaction I got from it, and it was mostly shock rather than interest, proving the anxiety our society still holds. activism


Author: saratrouble

An Art student from North Wales, studying at CSAD. My art work is mostly political, looking into feminism and sex positive work.

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