Big Question: Still Life

Robert Hooke, Illustration of Thyme Seeds, 1665.

Image result for Robert hooke, illustration of thyme seeds

This print was shown to us today, and is a print of what Hooke saw when he looked through a microscope to look closer at thyme seeds. What he saw is what he drew, and he found that the closer he looked at them, they always looked entirely different, which is a very interesting concept. What I took away from this was that perhaps to develop something I’ve done shouldn’t be by adding more to it or increasing its size, etc, it should sometimes be by looking further into the subject and think outside of the box, and to keep looking into it, as it will always come out different. I think I’ll be doing this by looking into the history of what I’m doing, which is criticising women on the internet, by looking at perhaps the first ‘selfie’ (picture of someone taken by themselves). By doing this, I will gather a very interesting and thorough project, and it should help me figure out what to do for my final pieces.

Author: saratrouble

An Art student from North Wales, studying at CSAD. My art work is mostly political, looking into feminism and sex positive work.

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