Where the development of my work is currently at.


To begin with, I used overlaying editing to create a layered collage of my drawings of “selfies” that have received negative and/or vulgar comments (one being mine) and a drawing of a plant to go with my theme of using ‘pure’ imagery of natural things that are used as metaphors for women. These are to prepare for my large scale collage shaped paintings that’ll all correspond with this theme.

I’ve made actual drawings for my plans below;

I’ve been focusing on using a mixture of innocent and sexual imagery used by plants, for example, white flowers and red flowers, but without using any colour (at the moment) to develop the metaphor of women being seen as sexual objects but aren’t allowed to behave sexually, unless it’s only for the male gaze.

My next task will be to try a few of these collages out with board and progressively develop them into larger pieces. I will be adding colour to these pieces to strengthen the flower imagery and how people, especially women, are scrutinized for taking pictures of themselves, whatever they choose to show.

Again, I’m looking into what Piers Morgan has to say over what women can and can’t do with their bodies. He’s commented on how much women should show in photographs, such as very recently, when he said that Madonna’s image of a tattoo on her lower abdomen made him feel ill. (https://www.thesun.co.uk/tvandshowbiz/2604362/madonna-tweets-racy-picture-of-vagina-tattoo-but-piers-morgan-isnt-impressed-as-he-admits-i-just-threw-up/)



Author: saratrouble

An Art student from North Wales, studying at CSAD. My art work is mostly political, looking into feminism and sex positive work.

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