Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday, September

This week, I’ve been working on a project called ‘Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday, September’, and I’m creating a sketchbook out of so many different types of processes, such as print making on silkscreen, different types of photography processes, etc. Below are a few images of my work so far to reflect my time here at Cardiff as a fresher;

In one of my mini sketchbooks, called late September, I made hidden pages with writing, such as “I miss my dog” etc to make it more personal and not as ‘cute’ looking, adding a more personal narrative;



Summer Project

I have just began my ‘art journey’ here at Cardiff School of Art and Design to complete a degree. The work actually began over the summer, which was a project of completing two postcards and posting them to the university and an additional two pieces that we took in during our first week, alongside a few sketchbooks we had been working on. I wanted to draw attention to my art styles, which can differ from gothic scenery, inspired by Jane Eyre this time around to very simple illustrative drawings. Examples of what I created are below;